Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Monday, October 17, 2011

Mean Mems

example :

So it really stinks when mems put nons down like tht, just being aware.... lol bye
Runica :)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fantage Screenshots

I know I'm boring with this fantage stuff, but just take a look at  these screenshots you may be interested in, and also I'm Runica, Sem338, or Mollysaranice on fantage, so please say hi, if you see me around.

Wouldn't it be stupid to have a fantage blog without meeting Civic Princess and talking to her? I think so, and I've only seen her one, then she vanished.

Since I'm a non, and if you're on fantage and are a non, your sure lucky. Since on most other fantage blogs, they're mems, which make it hard to relate to, for nons. 

But then again, I guess this would be hard to realte to for mems, so just take a look at Civic's blog then!!!

So, I hope you like my blog!

Molly (runica, which now I'll end my post in, I guess.)